Clock covers

Three clock covers for three clocks.

One clock is in a former Mill, one is in a classroom, one is in the office space of a museum. Once gifted, their new custodians can use them to mark occasions, remove measured time for a while, reveal the clocks potency in its location or listen to it tick.

The clock covers documented here also function as propositions for a larger project.

Many more clock covers could be made; Large public clocks could be covered, covers for wrist watches might be distributed. Covering a clock with a clock cover might resonate somehow with our collective experience of the current global pandemic, it could be political, or maybe that’s too grand.

Political could be read in the Greek sense of ‘polis’, the city as a site of sensation and conflicts from which the materials to create fictions or urban myths are extracted… But it would be very hard to say to what extent your act can have real echo, and even more to what extent there is a relevance for a poetical act to take place in locations going through a political, military, religious, social or economic crisis’ Francis Alys

Ongoing/incomplete project.